Appraisals of art, antiques, silver, and other household contents for:

  • Insurance

  • Damage and Loss

  • Estate and Gift Tax

  • Estate Planning

  • Equitable Distribution of Assets

  • Non-Cash Charitable Donations

  • General Information

  • Prospective Purchase or Sale

Other services:

  • Art consultation for investment, collection development, and brokerage

  • Art research

  • Curating public and private exhibitions and collections

  • Art installation

FeeS and Expenses

Charges are based on an hourly rate or by the project.  A deposit is usually due upon the initial visit.  The remainder of the balance is due upon the client’s receipt of the appraisal report. Ms. Adams can provide an estimate of the amount of time that she believes it will take to examine, evaluate, document, and research the property and prepare the appraisal report, as well as related expenses.  Expenses may include travel over 20 minutes to and from the assignment from the office of Ms. Adams, printed and bound report copies, database searches, and fees charged by experts and galleries for specialized information. For assignments involving air travel, please contact Ms. Adams for details.

Faith, Hope, and Charity by Balthasar Ferdinand Moll, ca. 1739-1740.  Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Faith, Hope, and Charity by Balthasar Ferdinand Moll, ca. 1739-1740.  Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Types of Value

The valuation of an item requires determining the most appropriate marketplace in which the item is traded, then assessing the condition, quality, rarity, desirability, etc. of the item within that marketplace. 

The most common types of values are Retail Replacement Value (for insurance appraisals), Fair Market Value, (the “auction value” generally used by the IRS and also known as the resale value), and Marketable Cash Value (frequently used in dividing up assets in the case of divorce).

Appraisal Report

The written appraisal report will include property descriptions, photographs, and values in a PDF and/or bound document.  The level of detail in the descriptions and number of photographs included can be customized to suit the client’s needs and the purpose of the report.

The appraisal report will contain one type of value as determined by the purpose of the report. 

If two types of value are required, two appraisal reports will be prepared and charged accordingly.